The Big Bible Overview: What is the Bible?

Main Point

The Bible is God's book although it is made up of lots of little books written by lots of human authors.


This is the first video in our Big Bible Overview series! This video tackles the question of what actually is the Bible? What do Christians believe it is? Jack and Polly meet Barry the Bible who explains to them that it is God's book, what it is made up of and briefly talks about some of the different types of literature that are included.

Bible Study and Talk Ideas

Below are some ideas of what you could do for a Bible study or talk connected with this video. Obviously, you will need to tailor things to your context with your local knowledge of the group you will be working with.

As this is the first in the Big Bible Overview series, it might work best as part of a Bible Overview series of sessions. But it would also work as a one-off video to talk about what the Bible is.

Bible Study Ideas
Starter activities:
  • You could a game of "Bible Swords" where you start with the Bible under your arm. A book, chapter and verse from the Bible is called out and there is a race to "draw" your Bible from under you arm and find the Bible verse. This just helps get familiarity with what books there are in the Bible and where they are found.
  • Write down on a big piece of paper all the different types of literature that you can think of - e.g. poetry, story telling, love story, action, advice etc. Can you think of an example of where it might be found in the Bible? - This might be pre-prepped by the leader depending on the group
  • Either leaders of group members could share their favourite verse from the Bible and explain why
Some interpretation questions:
  • Who wrote the Bible?
  • How should we treat each different type of writing differently?
  • What's the main story that the the whole Bible is all about?
  • Why should we take the Bible seriously?
Craft ideas to take home:
  • If you are doing the whole Bible Overview then you could have a scrapbook that you add to each week with pictures of things that you've learnt
  • Similarly you could draw out a big timeline for the Bible story and start adding to it each week as your go through the Bible Overview. This could be done by pegging things to a washing line if you want to get a bit more active with it.
Talk Ideas
  • The Bible is God's Word
  • How is it structured?
  • We can't pick and choose bits of it
  • We need to think about the type of literature that each bit is
  • The Bible is one big story that is consistent
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