God is Faithful!

Main Point

God is always faithful and we can trust him!


We made this video as part of a series of videos about God's character. This one focuses on the fact that God is always faithful and dependable and we can trust him. Jack's dentist also gets a bit of a surprise in it!

Bible Study and Talk Ideas

Below are some ideas of what you could do for a Bible study or talk connected with this video. Obviously, you will need to tailor things to your context with your local knowledge of the group you will be working with.

As God has shown His faithfulness throughout the entire Bible there are absolutely loads of verses that this video would go really well with. For example, you could talk about how faithful God was to His people in the Old Testament (e.g. Exodus) despite their faithlessness. Or maybe you could use Psalm 145 to explore God's character. Or another would be 1 Thessalonians 5:24...

Bible Study Ideas
Starter activities:
  • Create a list of things that you have felt really let down by. Then compare these things to how God will always be faithful to things He has promised.
  • Write down promises you've made - how many have you kept? Again compare this to God
  • Write down promises that God has made. Write down how these have already been fulfilled and how they will be fulfilled in the future
Some interpretation questions:
  • Why does it matter that God is faithful?
  • How do we know that God is faithful?
  • What does faithful actually mean?
  • Why are Christian people called to be faithful? And what helps them to continue being faithful?
Craft ideas to take home:
  • You could draw or write some of God's promises around a rainbow, the sign God used to promise to Noah
  • If you were doing this as a part of a series on God's character, you could make a little scrapbook on God's character where faithful is one page, and loving is another and so on...
Talk Ideas
  • As always the talk ideas will be very dependent on the exact passage that you are using to talk from (so that you go from the text to the message rather than the other way round)
  • What is God's character like? Why does it matter to us?
  • How does God's faithfulness in the face of our faithlessness show his amazing grace?
  • Why are Christian people called to be faithful? How does the Spirit help us?
Download as an MP4 for free!

You can use the link below to download the video as an MP4 so that you can use it in your church services where using YouTube is not an option. If you'd like to share the videos on your online platforms, please share using YouTube rather than this MP4.

We would also love to hear about how our resouces are being used so you can add your Church name and how you plan to use the video if you'd like to.

The button below will open the video in a new tab. To download, use the download icon in the top right hand corner.