Hip, Hip Hooray, Jesus is Alive Today!

Main Point

Easter is great news as Jesus beat death and is alive today!


Jack and Polly are investigative journalists trying to find out the truth about Easter and the claims that Jesus rose again. Along the way they meet a disciple and a centurion andc the find that Jesus really did rise fromt he dead and is alive today!

Bible Study and Talk Ideas

Below are some ideas of what you could do for a Bible study or talk connected with this video. Obviously, you will need to tailor things to your context with your local knowledge of the group you will be working with.

The obvious passage to go with this video is any of the accounts in the gospels of the Easter story.

Bible Study Ideas
Starter activities:
  • Easter egg hunt
  • Sketch out a story board of the Easter story
  • List all the things you think are related to Easter
  • Make Easter nests...yum!
Some interpretation questions:
  • What happened at the first Easter?
  • Why is Jesus' death and resurrection important?
  • Was Jesus' death a big mistake by God?
  • Why did Jesus have to die? Why did He have to come back to life?
  • How should Jesus' death and resurrection change our lives?
Craft ideas to take home:
  • Anything made as a starter activity
  • An decorated Easter egg opened to loop like the empty tomb
  • Make an Easter garden - you could enact the story using the garden
  • Make an Easter card to give to a friend with something you've learnt about Easter
Talk Ideas
Who is the talk aimed at? Christian/non-Christian? Age? This will have a big impact on what you might focus on and how you want them to respond.

  • Why is Jesus' death and resurrection important?
  • Was Jesus' death a big mistake by God?
  • Why did Jesus have to die? Why did He have to come back to life?
  • How should Jesus' death and resurrection change our lives?
Download as an MP4 for free!

You can use the link below to download the video as an MP4 so that you can use it in your church services where using YouTube is not an option. If you'd like to share the videos on your online platforms, please share using YouTube rather than this MP4.

We would also love to hear about how our resouces are being used so you can add your Church name and how you plan to use the video if you'd like to.

The button below will open the video in a new tab. To download, use the download icon in the top right hand corner.