Party Time!

Main Point

This video is intended to get you thinking about parties so that an extra talk or Bible study can then talk about the greatest party ever (when Jesus returns).


We made this video to tee up a short talk about the greatest party ever when Jesus returns. It's fun and short to get people thinking and in the mood to party!

Download as an MP4 for free!

You can use the link below to download the video as an MP4 so that you can use it in your church services where using YouTube is not an option. If you'd like to share the videos on your online platforms, please share using YouTube rather than this MP4.

We would also love to hear about how our resouces are being used so you can add your Church name and how you plan to use the video if you'd like to.

The button below will open the video in a new tab. To download, use the download icon in the top right hand corner.