Standing on the Rock Puppet Music Parody Song

Main Point

Jesus is our rock that we should build our lives upon.


This great parody song is all about how Jesus is our rock and we should build our lives upon it!

Bible Study and Talk Ideas

Below are some ideas of what you could do for a Bible study or talk connected with this video. Obviously, you will need to tailor things to your context with your local knowledge of the group you will be working with.

This song will work really well with any passage where the main point is to firmly trust in Jesus as your rock for life. For example, Matthew 7:24-29 will work really well as it is talking about building your house upon the rock and not on the sand like the foolish man.

Bible Study Ideas
Starter activities:
  • Sing "Don't Build Your House on the Sandy Land" song
  • You could build little structures on varying foundations and then batter them with water or a pretend storm and see which ones survive. One suggestion is to use sugar cubes as the foundation for the sandy land as these will dissolve in hot water
  • Think about what you value most in your life - what is it that you would find it hard to live without? You could write these on a big piece of paper as a group
Some interpretation questions:
  • Why do we so often rely on things other than Jesus to build our lives on?
  • Why do we actually never find contentment in these things?
  • Why is Jesus the best foundation to build your life upon?
  • Where do you need to be reminded of this in your life?
Craft ideas to take home:
  • Draw the two houses built on different foundations. In the rock foundation write Jesus and then on the other foundation write all the things we tend to rely on instead of Him
  • You could build some little houses to take home
  • Make a bookmark that has a key verse or image to remind yourself to keep Jesus as your rock
Talk Ideas
  • Use the passage in Matthew to explore where we tend to build our life on and the consequences of that
  • Have a think about your expected audience and the kind of things they will be able relate to
  • Explain how and why keeping Jesus as our rock is so much better than other things in this life
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