Are puppets just for kids?

No, no, no! (as one of our puppets, Polly, would say!) Despite everyone's first instinct, puppetry is effective for communicating with people of every age group. Clearly they have a particular appeal to younger people but we think they can speak to every age all at the same time. In fact, in our experience, the oldest are probably the most excited when the puppet stage appears in church!

We always try to write our sketches so that they are understandable by all but there are layers to that understanding. For example, the youngest probably don't understand any of the words or concepts we discuss but they do learn that church can be fun and that they are included in church. A little bit older and the kids start to understand small sections - perhaps the main point or repeated phrase. And then you get to older kids who can understand all of it but it is presented to them in a way that is fun and different from the tradional church ways. Then the adults who think they are watching something for kids - they will be relaxed and ready to listen because they aren't expecting to challenged. The adults also understand all the jokes and song references. At each level there is teaching and enjoyment depending on their own level of understanding.

Another bonus of using all-age tools for communicating the gospel is that fewer assumptions are made. How many talks have you heard where there has been no explanaton of what the words faith, glory, salvation, sin, justification etc. mean because it is just assumed that you understand them? In a sketch that is aimed at all ages, these concepts need to be explained - this means that they are accesible for all whether or not you are from a church background or find it more difficult to understand these words. We don't want the jargon of church to be a barrier and the use of puppets (or other all-age tools) can help remove or explain the jargon - and is helpful for kids and adults alike.

Finally, there are so many occasions in the Bible where we are encouraged to be like little children in how we come before Jesus. And we think this includes our attitude towards the "kids" or "all-age" slot on a Sunday. We should have an attitude that we don't know everything and that we might have something to learn from these slots as adults rather than making a presumption that we are above them. Otherwise we lose sight of the fact that it is God who transforms ours hearts and not ourselves.